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Our Testimonials

The nurses did a great job of communicating. This was very appreciated. They also listened, heard and responded which was great! The knowledge they shared to let us know how close our dad was to passing helped us to be ready at the end! Thank you!
Hospice nurses were compassionate, caring, helpful, kind, knowledgeable, informative, always available, responded quickly. Meds and supplies delivered quickly and as needed. They facilitated an awesome end of life experience for our loved one and a supportive experience for the family.
The staff members who came out were all so very kind, and thoughtful of Greg’s care, my concerns and feelings. Made sure to explain what was happening and probably going to happen. Very respectful.
Your presence was truly always appreciated. You made everything better for my mom and myself. A heartfelt thanks!
Excellent information, instructions, and care was provided by Hospice!
Your hospice team was very caring to our mother helping her with her end-of-life journey. The video we watched was so informative and we learned so much about the death journey. We understand so much better after seeing it which Mom was preparing all of us for. I hope all families who have a loved one in hospice will see this video. You all were so wonderful to Mom and all of us. Thank you. You are Hospice Angels!
I want to say thank you to Solomon Valley Hospice, especially to Jill! From the first time that my brother, I and my mom talked with Jill we knew having hospice involved was the best decision! My families plan to bring mom home to live out her last days in peace and comfort was our main goal and Jill/Hospice was with us every step of the way! On a personal note for me, even though Jill knew I was a nurse and knew the dying process, she knew I was a daughter first and still took the time to explain each and every step! Again thank you from our family! God Bless!!
Such excellent care!! I couldn’t have asked for anything better. Thanks to all involved!
Although our time with hospice was very brief, it met all our needs and helped us move seamlessly through the dying process. Katie Wendell was exceptional to work with!

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